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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So I basically haven't had time to do anything other than the "things" that need done on a daily basis. And I realized that I really missed my blog :) I've been so lame falling asleep on the couch at 9 then devin waking me up to go to bed at 11... waking up at 5 for work.... driving 45 minutes to work.....working until 1530.... driving home....doing the homey things (dishes laundry dinner relax on the couch with my boo) ugh thats exhausting to even think about doing it again tomorrow... oh well ready or not {i'm officially a grownup} ugh when did this happen. And less than 3 months from now I'll be married {hopefully} a year from now we'll be considering starting a family....WHOA SLOW DOWN! can I be 17 again?! yeah didn't think so.
        On the bright side of things, I absolutely love my job. The day honestly flies by, I'm constantly busy.... and I {unlike most} love to stay busy. Don't get me wrong when it comes time for my lunch break I'm realieved bc I'm exhausted but then the afternoon goes just as fast! yay! And..... I PUT IN MY FIRST IV THIS WEEK! you don't understand unless your a nurse..... it was amazing. I was so proud of myself!!! I have learned so much the past 2 weeks it makes me wonder what in the world I learned in school?! lol it sure felt like a lot then but no I am definately in information overload. And my favorite thing I've done thus far? IV pushes of course!! I'm such a new nurse nerd! I'm gonna look back on this 10 years from now and laugh.... actually hopefully 10 years from now I still LOVE IV pushes!! :) I hope that nothing I'm learning now ever gets to feeling {old} even though I know it probably will. The new feeling never lasts.... but everyday is so exciting and new, and thats what nursing is about so hopefully it keeps me interested for years to come!
         On the wedding ordeal.... bridal shower is set, bachelorette party is set, bouqets are done, centerpieces done, guestbook done, banner pennets done, cake ordered, dj paid, videographer booked, photographer booked, rings ordered and sized.....etc.... wow I'm glad i gave myself a year and a half to do this!!! I know I'm going to miss it when its over but for the time being all that is on my mine is {elope} haha!!!
          Well I will most definately blog about my wonderful day tomorrow but for now its almost my bedtime I am physically and mentally exhausted... and I love it!
      So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu
    Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu~~~ bid you farewell with a little sound of music.

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