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Sunday, July 3, 2011

here comes the storm.

Right now as I 'type' I'm sitting at home by myself staring out the window at the storm rolling in [possibly] ruining fireworks tonight...but thats beside the point. Umm I don't know about anyone else but some couple fight... like a lot... like more than I could put energy into. Devin and I do no fight. really never have. hopefully never actually will. Seriously I've wondered "is this normal" like I've always seen everyone fight. my couple friends. my parents. couples on TV. Is it normal that when we don't agree we just agree to disagree and we're over it? Like for instance.... our 'big blowup' for the day was this....and the story goes......
~~~~ Last night we went and met some friends for pizza at a place we've never eaten before.... OMG the pizza was amazing {joes pizza} and all I talked about last night was how good the pizza was and YES we have half leftover to eat 'tomorrow' for lunch. And anyone who knows me k nows I L.O.V.E. pizza <3 So unsurprisingly it was on my mind all morning... laying in the pool thinkin man when I get out I'm gonna have some of that pizza for lunch.... I seriously like couldn't wait.... (does that mean I have a problem) lol
~~~~So I come home change and mentally prepare myself for this amazing chicago pizza, so I run in the living room and ask dev if he wants me to warm up a couple pieces for him {super sweet of me huh?} The look he shot me made me instantly know..... GRRRR  
Devin: "hah sweet of ya but I finished the pizza already"
Me: "you what??!?!?" mean face "dude you couldn't have asked me if I wanted any at all YOU just finish all the pizza YOURSELF?!?" I didn't tell him I had been thinking of that damn pizza all day!
So I go in the kitchen decide I'll made a lean pocket (pizza flavored)
~~~{none left}  BUT allll of devins hot pockets are left (side note: I buy devin hot pockets and myself lean pockets... lower cals lower carbs you know the game... BUT for some reason he prefers to grab my lean pockets instead of his carb loaded hot pockets) so totally makes sense right.... that all my lean pockets are gone.
~~ I was fuming. Basically Devin left because he didn't see why I was so angry about the situation. I sit and cry because its stupid... seriously I was going to eat this chicago pizza full of fat and carbs but when that was gone I wanted a lean pocket? duh! (do you see the sense in that) ya me either....
~~~~ All in all if thats the worst fight we have I'll take it~~~~
 So right now I'm eating HIS BBQ chicken hot pocket watching the storm waiting for Devin to come home.... lesson learned: next time we have leftover pizza.... I'm hiding my share.
the evidence:empty box
PS. Dev just text me and said he was sorry for eating all the pizza and my lean pockets and not refurnishing the supply... I love him.

And that my friends was the worst fight of the century.... lol

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