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Monday, July 4, 2011

curly fries and heart attack

Happy 4th of July!!! My glorious day started off  with watching my beautiful niece in the all american boy girl contest. She didn't win because she doesnt like to talk much to the judges (she gets that from aunt d) no worries, mace,y in a short decade you'll talk too, much people will wish you'ld shutit :) one of my fabulous traits! But after the contest I went home to curl up on the couch with Devin for a fantastic monday nap.... ahhh these are the days we will miss when we one day have children!!! (thats a different blog)
I'm at work now until 7 then off to the park for Flora's fireworks.... its not as spectacular as I make it sound but hey its my hometown fireworks. Last night we went to rend lake for their fireworks with my momma and sister, then found out they were cancelled. So we drove another hour in opposite direction for another firework display. It was well worth the 3.62$ gallon gas we 'wasted'. I loved watching the fireworks with devin and my mom... it reminds me of watching them when I was little.
~~~ We use to grill hot dogs and wrap them up and take them to the park with us (because my parents couldn't afford to buy 2 hot dogs each for 4 kids) completely understandable. We would pick the perfect spot {no trees above up and flat ground} and we would eat hot dogs and light sparklers until dusk.... [perfect memories] Those are the memories that I will never forget. We would finaly get so full from hot dogs and freshly cut watermelon and lay on the blankets until the fireworks started <3 ~~~~
My plan for 4th of july 2011 is a little different, I will be spending some QT time with the bff stevi, we gotta chow down on some 'cowboy fries' these are homemade curly fires covered in cheese, italian beef, and jalepeno peppers mmm I'l let ya know how they are. I'm 100% sure they'll be fabulous!  Then we will find my brother, abra, and his little girl macey and enjoy the fireworks laying on our blankets. At least some things never change.
Happy 4th of July!! Enjoy your family and friends because no 4th will ever be the same.

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