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Thursday, July 21, 2011

still lost as ever!?

So I have officially been signing my name with an RN behind it for a month now. wowwzers! I know its going to take me a while to feel comfortable with my job.... but I feel as if it will take me years.....and years. I do feel comfortable with my pt interaction and assessments. And I've done a million pushes so I've got that down finally. I set up the IV pump by myself for the first time last night!!! yay! another small accomplishment haha. Ya basically unless your in the healthcare fielt this post will officially be boring to you! :) But setting up and IV pump is a big deal, hah I use to be scared of IV pumps. I know 10 years from now I will look back at this and laugh probably literally out loud! Everything is so new and exciting to me! One think I will probably never get use to nor like? {talking to doctors} why? its not like their god! haha but for real when they call me or come up to me and ask me a question my mind goes blank..... ughh blha ughh grrr hmmm..... for real every dr. has got to think I have mental problems. Which is so weird because every dr. I have met has been super nice and friendly.... and you can tell they appreciate their nurses.... maybe in a few years i'll be able to talk to a dr without breaking a sweat. (until then..... "Destiny what was patient so and so labs from this am?" unmmmm ughhh hmmmm that will be my answer haha!!!)
              I've been officially hating not getting home til so late. leaving work at 12 and getting home about 1ish.... devin tries to stay awake and wait for me but ussually he falls asleep on the couch lol. But the good thing? I get paid more working evening whhooop whooop. $ definately is not everything but its very important right now paying off bills, student loans, saving for wedding, saving for house...... sadly enough its a huge part of our life right now. I also get every other weekend off so I'm hoping Devin and I can get some fun trip in this summer/fall {a few ideas on our list are} of course a couple cardinals games and spending the days in St. Louis.... we love the city so much, I could just walk around all day, its so fascinating to me!!! We would like to do a weekend camping trip this fall when it cools off a bit, maybe nashville for a weekend, holiday world, and fishing trips. More than likely if we go to nashville it will be with the brother and sister in law haha and thats if I can drag devin's butt out to listen to country music all night :) But whatever we do I'm super excited and who knows maybe as the weekend approaches we'll just want to chill on the couch, cookout, and swim all weekend that's ussually how we roll :) But thats my random thoughts for the day!
    BTW 72 days until the wedding....... seems unreal

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