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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

feeling a bit overwhelmed

Hi I'm Destiny and I feel like I'm in over my head. First off today was my official day as an RN on the floor.... let me tell you the thought has crossed my mind many times today "what the hell did I get myself into?!?" I've never felt so lost in my entire life. I think i even made the comment "I wish I could fastforward a year from now" but I really dont, time goes to fast anyhow. But today was constant, orders, meds, dr calls, assessments, discharges.... but really what did I expect? To sit behind a desk and answer calls? No, I definately signed up for this chaotic, busy, wonderfully rewarding job. I know a year from now I will be laughing because I know I'm going to love it.... but right now I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. And another thing... I spend 5 minutes trying to decipher a doctors orders and signature.... for real thats a bit ridic. But honestly walking into the hospital with my scrubs, stethoscope, and RN badge I felt pretty proud of myself. I hope I become the nurse I want to and leave an impression on anyone I come in contact with.
~~~ Another few things adding to this chaotic year? I'm 'attempting' to finish my BSN. So I get 2 nights off a week and one of those nights I will spend 6 hours in a classroom to get credits towards my bachelors degree in which I have no idea what I will do with.... But hi I'm Destiny and I don't know when and where to stop? I love learning and I feel that I'm not done learning... I just hope all this education puts me exactly where I am suppose to be.
~~~~chaos # 3.... I'm getting married in october one of my best friends is getting married 2 weeks after me... that means twice the bridal showers, twice the bachelorette parties, and twice the worry..... enough said
~~~~# 4 We went and looked at the first of I'm sure MANY houses today. So we came home looked more up, figured up our finances, what we can afford, yet still looking at what we can't afford.... terrific. The house we looked at today was absolutely adorable.... and smelt absolutely awful! This couple had dogs.... dogs peed on hardwood floor, water soaked through hardwood floor, soaked onto padding under flooring... you guessed it.... smelt like wet dog. But with a little TLC it would be super wonderful and yummy smelling.... BUT I'm worried I won't have the TLC to give for the next couple years and we would get wet smelling dog smell soaked in our pores.  Heres a small glimpse of my mind tonight. I'm going to gorge on brownies now before heading to bed because I have to be up at 5 to play RN again.
Hi my names destiny.... I need meds

1 comment:

  1. Everything will work out just fine. It always does and everything happens for a reason. You're doing exactly what you should be doing. You're an amazing person and you're helping people! :)
