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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What I'm loving Wedsday!

Happy Wendsday!! link up with us this kind of love
Heres what I'm loving today!
I work 2 more 12s then I'm off for four days (of course monday is a night class but I'm still off work)
I'm loving that my trim is finally complete in our new house, it took a while but it was worth the wait

I'm loving that both dogs have worn themselves out and they are passed out for the day *oh the little things that excite me*
Vacation to florida is is 4 months= i'm loving i need to go shopping!!

And of course my recent findings on pinterest!!

Already have started this project by collecting some of my great grandmas recipes.
I want a miniture pig.... for real....
This will go in my dining room thank you pinterest.
swoon swoon
What I'm currently reading.. its heartbreaking.


Hope all you ladies are having a fabulous Wendsday!!


  1. Love the new trim! Looks great!

  2. Love your pin! & your house looks FABULOUS! I've been enjoying the picture updates on fb!!

  3. The new trim is beautiful! I love it!

  4. Beautiful trim! And that pig! CUTE! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! Following you now! Are you on FB or Twitter? Hit me up so we can stay in touch ;) @jandmseyecandy on twitter or J&M's Eye Candy on FB ;) XO
