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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Memories of my wedding day.

Here I am a married woman for a month now!! And I want to remember everything about that day so I will try to start from the night before...... we ran through rehearsal out at the ceremony site, we ran through it about 3 times and everything worked out the back of my mind something will not go right.... but as of right now everyone walked when they should to the song they should. My dad even started crying as we were practicing walking down the aisle (put a knot in my stomach about the real thing) . Then my parents and family had a big bbq ready for us when we got back. All decorated up with fall centerpieces in all..... I guess they wanted to dress up a simpl bbq a little more haha, but dev and I wanted a cookout and a cookout is what we got. We had lots of family and friends there and the food was good. Here are a couple pictures from rehearsal dinner. Oh and the guys got their gifts that night too and It didn't take long for those flasks to be full lol.

My mom and grandma at rehearsal dinner


That night I went back to the house by myself, my mom and sisters offered to stay with me but I really just wanted to be alone and think.... not bad things all good I promise :) Devin came in about 11pm and packed up for the next couple days, we chatted for a minute. Of course he wouldn't admit he was nervous!!! I knew I was!!! couldn't sleep if my life depended on it. So I stayed up until about 1am writing my "wedding letter" to my husband to be....... The next morning I woke and it was was unreal.... noway could this be my wedding day! A year, month, week, and even days prior I just couldn't believe I was actually getting married. I always wondered how I'ld feel. If I'ld be nervous. What will I look like. What would he look like. What kind of day it would be. I just felt like it would never actually get here. I packed everything up that I would need for the day, along with my 31 purse that says "Mrs Dannells" lol. And the attire I wore to get all beautified in you ask? a cardinals jersey (a playoff game was that night) black pajama capris and a pair of ugg boots (it was sooo cold that morning!!)  Me, my mom, and sister headed to Stella's.... Alisha was up first and looked amazing after Stella finished... adorned with the hairpiece I handmade all my girls. Then my mom hopped in the chair and ended up looking glamorous (made me cry) waterworks number 1 of the day. Now my turn. I had no idea what I wanted done I just let Stella work her magic.... and magic it was, I couldn't believe how beautiful my hair and makeup looked.... and of course as she added my veil my mom and sister started crying and so came waterworks numeral dos.... (we will loose count soon) Some of the bridesmaids came by to say hi then head out to the ceremony site.  Devin's brother Kyle showed up to deliver the letter from Devin that he had written the night before.... we were to read them right before the ceremony. In place of writing our own vows this is what we did. The envelope said "To My Bride" then it actually hit me. I think secretly he knew those three words would make it all sink in.
"To My Bride"

It was 11 am, and 3 hours until the ceremony was suppose to start. We were all at Tiffany's house.... girls getting ready everywhere.... makeup, bras, dresses, and cameras everywhere. All I knew is that I was hungry and nervous and those 2 things mixed are not good.... My mom bought sandwiches from the bakery and I ate a TON!!!  After I stuffed my face :) it was touchup on makeup and get into dress time. Something funny was that I got into the underwear of the dress and everyone thought it was my wedding dress. LOL I guess it could have been... woulda been a heck of a lot cheaper!!! I kept peeking out the window to see the ceremony site because I didn't even get to see everything finished. I had a plan in my mind and just hoped I had explained it well to Chelsea, jessica, erica, and stevi..... and apparently they got it loud and clear because it was beautiful!!! It was also a beautiful day too.... just perfect!!! slight breeze with the sun shining. I could not have asked for a more perfect day.

Now it was time to slide into my dress... slide was not the word... lol between my hair makeup and veil it was more like a mission.  But we got it! OMG I can't describe the feeling of being in your wedding gown right before you walk out to meet your husband, I felt beautiful!! And everyone told me that the day flies by and that they don't remember anything about their day, so I knew I would embrace this day and remember every detail about it.... and thats what I did. I remember everyone around me tears in their eyes, cameras, and smiles.
     Now it was time to get some pictures with the bridesmaids before the guys show up for their pictures!!! lol oh what fun this was!!! for some reason the bugs loved the poof stuff of my dress because it was the place to be. I had every bug imaginable trapped in the layers of my dress, so I was spinning and jumping trying to get them out..... it was a sight to see. I walked around for a bit and soaked it all in, the amazing day, the ceremony site, the haybales surrounding a fire with smoores and apple cider, the yellow lanterns hanging from the trees, the shepards hooks holding mason jars that Devin, stevi, and I stuffed handpicked wildflower in a couple days prior.
After a few poses we decided to try a jumping picture.... a jumping picture is a cute idea but not a good idea for the bride lol. I jump. I land on my dress. theres now a huge grass stain on my dress.... before the wedding.... :) oh well nothing could ruin my day obviously. Then the guys showed up so we had to all sneak back into the house while they got pictures taken.  I kept trying to sneak a peak at Devin... I had to see him.... but of course everyone stopped me :) So we all anxiously waited for 2:00. Family members stopped in to see me before the ceremony... which is not a good idea because here came the tears again.  I saw that the guests were starting to fill the seats.... yay!!
 Devin was outside reading his letter because Tiffany was peeking out the window giving me the play by play haha.... "hes rocking back and forth on his heels, he looks like hes trying not to cry, hes laughing" haha thanks tiff. Now its time to read mine..... something I will forever cherish. My sisters and the bridesmaids wanted to read it after I did, I let Tiffany read it out loud... I didn't care, they know how we feel about eachother its no secret obviously :) And they cried...ugh enough of this crying lol
Now it is like 10 minutes before the ceremony and my Dad was here, he has not seen the dress, I wanted it to be a surprise for him as well as Devin.  I have never seen my dad so happy. He spun me around smiling and crying.... it was perfect. I love my Daddy.
Time to line everyone up. Nathan still has his flipcam up, videotaping random wedding stuff :) I was like "wow this is going incredibly perfect and smooth" first song actually started at 2:00 right on time. I later found out my grandma and grandpa didn't line up to be sat but they just sat themselves. lol oh well.
As Macey is walking out supposed to be throwing her flower pedals.... "supposed" the key word. She would barely walk as she was covering her face, as abra pushed her down the aisle throwing the pedals out.haha..... I was thinking "dang mace your going to take up the whole song and dad and I will walk out to silence :) not so...
Together can never be close enough for me
Feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you
And you're beautiful
Now that the wait is over
And love and has finally shown her my way
Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
                    Now it was me and my daddy's turn to walk down the aisle. :) I can't even go into the emotions I was feeling walking down the aisle. I didn't see anyone except Devin at the end of the aisle. My dad was crying, I was crying.... half the girls were crying... and I'm sure there were others lol.
Vows, lighting of candles, warming of rings, ring exchange, kiss, clap.... you know, the usual.
       Yay we are married!!!! We walked around and talked to people for a while, got a glass of apple cider, which sadly ran out way too fast. We loaded up in the white transam decorated with streamers and balloons lol, as we were driving down the road balloons were flying out everywhere!!! haha!!! Of course we had to stop and get a bigg swigg at hucks before we continues with pictures at the depot! After lots of pictures we headed to the reception site. It was nice to have 45 minutes of calmness with Devin, we actually got to talk and reflect on our beautiful ceremony........ and that we finally get to wear our rings!!!!! All I know is that I did not think I could be any happier than I was at that moment, driving to Effingham, windows down, holding hands with my husband... who I might add looked stunning in his brown tux.
The wildflowers we picked turned out to be the perfect touch

Some of the bridesmaids getting ready before the ceremony

At the reception eating our yummy dinner!!

The groomsmen dressed up as the village people for the YMCA!!!

After the reception right before we slid into pajamas and ordered pizza :)

My husband driving the TA to the reception :)



  1. Omg destiny this actually made me cry a little lol! sounds like you had an amazing wedding and you deserve to be as happy as you are! and devin are a great couple!...and i'm happy we've been able to call you neighbors as long as we have sad to see you move a couple of streets away but know we'll still see ya at your mom and dads!...congrats on the wedding and wish you all the happiness in the world!

  2. I definitely teared up! Your wedding was stunning! I had so much fun looking through all of your wonderful photos!
