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Thursday, March 24, 2011

And then comes the change

So right now at this very moment I was suppose to be interviewing for a volleyball coaching position. But yesterday I received a call from St. Anthony's hospital requesting an interview for 2nd shift surgical care as a nurse..... ugh this sucks. Why can't i do both, but I know I can't no matter how hard I try, someone would suffer, not necessarily me, but probably the girls on the volleyball team, I turned down the position because I feel thats something I can't devote myself to 100%. And if I can't do it 100% why waste your time on it. So I'm sitting here thinking how awesome it would have been to put coach in front of my name, but obviously it wasn't meant to happen right now, hopefully in a few years. But, probably by then I won't be able to hold my own on the court anymore :)  nah I will... lol.
   Besides that I had a tremendous clinical experience last Thursday and Friday!! Thursday started out awful but ended sweet!! I was in surgery, which I actually love. I don't know if it was the nausious feeling I had before surgery, the fact I didn't eat breakfast, or that damn mask on my face feeling like a boaconstrictor around my body..... either way there I was standing there watching the nurses and surgeon do their thing. I kinda moved around a bit, kept flippin my mask to get a little more 02 to the face, but it started coming.... the really hot, sweaty, black around the edges feel.... oh shit I knew i had to get out of there. I ran to the locker room backroom and bam.... I was on the floor, I frickin blacked out!!! haha now I just told my teacher I got sick, but nope I was passed out on the backroom floor, with my scrub hat, mask, and uniform on....  ya i would laugh at me too lol. When I came around I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, i looked like a ghost.  Using my best judgement I decided that I should not go back to surgery and risk passing out there and the dr and nurses trying to take care of me AND the pt..... so I left. I was so embarrassed, I just told everyone I got sick and had to leave to come up to the regular cardiac step down floor. whata lie. BUT some good DID come from this!!! I got to put a nasograstric tube down....yay!!! i know, only a real nurse would be so excited about sticking a tube down someones nose into their stomach!! But i was so excited because I just went in there, set up, donned gloves, measured, and did it..... it was awesome (of course the pt was amazing)  so for the rest of the day I was DR. Destiny, long story short all my classmates call me Dr. Destiny, because not only do I want to understand every single desease, interventions, outcomes, but I want to know the pathophysiology behind it, and the dr.s dx behind it..... thats just me. But I was so excited, I put my first NG tube down!!!! Do I feel like a Real Nurse now? umm kinda. My LAST clinicals are next thrusday and friday........ and i'm DONE!!! woot woot...... I signed up to continue my BSN this fall, I love learning about the human body and everything that goes with it, and I've almost learned about everything a Nurse would need to know, so why not continue. I (unlike a lot of people) actually enjoy leaning, studying, and proving myself to have obtained the knowledge. so 2 years I suppose until Destiny Dannells RN BSN.... but for now I'm still just focussing on Destiny Blake, RN! 
Until next time, peace, love, and NG tubes.

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