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Saturday, March 5, 2011

All you need is love

Tonight I'm going to blog about someone who is constantly on my mind, he makes me strive to work hard to build a better future, he's caring, supportive, honest and sexy with dark eyes I get lost in  :)  Of course I'm talking about my fiance Devin. Its crazy what being in love can do to you..... really, 4 years ago, I was ready to leave flora, I was ready to run, live, and grow. I wanted to experience life on my own. But somewhere in that time period I met dev, we hung out, I fell head over heels for him. I was listening to music (i would never listen to) staying up until 4 am (when i woke up at 7 everyday) i stayed working at a place i hated (because he was the night manager) I chose to stay in Flora (because that's where he was).  No regrets whatsoever.  The night I told him I loved him felt so right :)  The night I agreed to marry him felt even better! I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with him. Ya i hear everyone say 'i'm marrying my best friend' shutup don't lie, most of you aren't. I would choose Devin and only Devin to see everyday for the rest of my life. I am honestly marrying my best friend, we can lay in bed for hours laughing and giggling like kids, we can tackle eachother in the morning as we are getting ready for work, throw a football around outside on a nice fall day, go to the gym and push eachother to do one more rep. He's my biggest fan and support system. All through nursing school, he's the one telling me that I can do it, I know this stuff, I of course don't believe him. So as one lasting impression he texts me before a test and says 'good luck you got this!' After a good test, bad test, good clinical day, or a day where I'm crying on the way home...... I know he's there waiting for me. Nothing can be too bad that seeing him dosen't relieve all the pressure from the day.  I was getting stressed and upset about the wedding details and cost, and I called him one night crying. I was so upset because I felt like I was letting the reason behind this wedding go unnoticed. I just want to marry him. We don't need a huge fancy wedding and reception to declare our love, no nothing at all. I would be happy just me and him and the judge at the courthouse, thats all we really needed. I felt like the real reason behind this mass of wedding jargis was getting lost. But Dev was there to reassure me that this is what we want to do, we want to have a huge party to celebrate the fact that we are finally married!! He said that not many people get the chance to celebrate that and we are going to, we are going to celebrate with eachother by our sides and our family and friends there. Not to mention a killer honeymoon suite waiting upstairs for us!!!! lol..... Its so funny thinking back about how both of us tried so hard to 'just be friends'....... that was the hardest thing I have every done!!! I was completely smitten with this boy!!! and he was so not my type! I was 17, he was 18, he had no intentions of finishing school, he had long hair (that my daddy DID NOT like), he drove an old beat up station wagon, he wore tight band tshirts and tight jeans........ lol just thinking about it all makes me laugh. He was so funny and we could stay up all night talking!!! (we still can)  And how much he has changed in the past 4 years..... he now has a degree in culinary arts, he is the dietary manager here in town, he is on the volunteer fire dept, his hair is cut, and he sold the wagon and bought a toyota tundra. But I would still take the 18 year old Devin any day, thats the man I fell in love with, but the man he is now will be the one I'm marrying and will one day raise kids with. He supports every dream I have, I want to one day coach volleyball, so he never has a problem with me giving up one of the few days we have off together to go spend it in the gym practicing. He is just the best. He is more than I could ever imagine. Even though my dad will deny it, when he looks at Devin he knows he is the one he wants to me be with forever.... he's told me so. The night Devin told my dad that he planned on asking me to marry him, my dad cried. Before I even realized I was in love with Devin my dad told me that when I'm with Devin I seem happier..... and of course I was! When I'm sick Devin is constantly checking on me lol, I came home one day he had the couch made up (I love sleeping on the couch when I'm sick)  the thermometer, medicine, cell phone charger, and a big glass of sprite......all on the table beside me, I've never felt to taken care of before. When he kisses me, really kisses me, I still get that happy dizzy/sleepy feeling that leaves my knees weak, or times when he does something as small as glancing in my direction and the mere glimpse sends my heart flipping worthy of love at first sight. Every love story is different, each begins and ends in its own unique way. The love stories that last the longest are sometimes the most thrilling, other times the most uneventful. Whatever it is that creates and recreates that precious bond we call love, I feel it and act it out in my own life every day, and feel deeply and strongly the warmth of its return from my dev.
I appreciate him for more reasons than I can list, and I tell him that as often as I think of one or several of them. I respect him more deeply than any other man on this planet, and I try to show that as well. I am comforted by him, and so I try to be his comfort. All in all, there aren't enough words to describe how I feel about Devin. All I know is the night he asked me to marry him, something felt so right and almost complete. And on  October 1, when we repeat our vows in front of our family, friends, and our god..... I know both our lives will be complete with eachother. Enough sappy love, I'm going to go crawl into bed my with good looking fiance....... ya its a sin.... haha oh well.
                                                                            Still smitten,  future Destiny Dannells.... hmm sounds good

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