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Friday, March 4, 2011

Are you where your suppose to be?

I haven't been on here in a few days due to (not blaming) school, work, life, etc. But I'm on the couch with a few spare minutes to myself and i'm going to blog. I always ask myself if people are truly happy with their job or ehh its a job, don't like it but I do it. Or if people settle for a job because the money is good. Don't get me wrong the money is an essential point of loving my job, but it may be about 10% of the reason I stay. For one minute I don't feel bad for someone who hates their job, but they haven't looked for anything else. Life is what you make of it, do what you love, love what you do. I'm absolutely doing what I love. I would possibly love more stable hours but oh well, what breaks ya can only make ya stronger :) The point I was getting at is, yesterday at the gym a young woman came up to me, have never met her before, and just started talking to me.... Ok I'll listen. I found out she helps young teenage moms throughout their pregnancy. She helps them from finding insurance, WIC, what to expect, all the way to breastfeeding, and developmental milestones in the new baby's life. Sweet job right? Ya that's what I thought too until we kept talking. She had been married awhile and her and her husband tried, prayed, and tried again to have a baby. She said finally after 7months she was pregnant!! She and her husband were beyond thrilled. Then she said 3 months along they went in for an untrasound only to find out there was no circulation in the baby, no heartbeat, no movement, nothing. She said it was the lowest point ever, "why would god do this to me? why would he give me a baby that I've wanted so bad then take it away?" Needless to say she had a lot of questions, and still does.  I asked her if it irritated or saddened her to see teenage mothers come in who "had an accident". Some really don't want a baby, some don't plan on putting that baby's needs before their own. She smiled and said that she truly loves her job and decided that this pregnancy is what what suppose to happen to those young moms, it just wasn't suppose to happen to her. She didn't feel any negative feeling towards those young mom, nor envious of them. She simply was excited for them and wanted to be there to help and support them. She is an example of someone who truly loves their job and does it simply for that reason. She loved seeing the change in the new mom to be as they reach that point where they are excited about bringing this new baby into the world.  She said she just wanted a baby of their own so bad that they kept trying and praying, then she said she finally decided she isn't going to try anymore, they left it up to god. She quit planning, she quit counting days, she simply let it be. And apparently 'let it be' was all it took.  It took a while but a year and a half later she was pregnant. This time she gave birth to a healthy little boy, who she said "she couldn't imagine how much she could possibly love someone, until she met him." I loved talking to her and hearing her story. Who knew that just smiling at a total stranger can open up to a friendship. (She also said her husband  is always eyeing Devin's Tundra and wants one just like ours) lol.   You never know what each day will bring, accept it with an open heart. I did that day.
                                     Until then, Destiny

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