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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

our first big grownup decision.

So many people have already heard, or {overheard}due to living in a small town. Devin and I started the house hunting process a few weeks ago.... how stressful. After looking at 5 completely different houses we were left unfortunately NOT in love with any. Either too small of a yard, too small of bedrooms, didn't feel like home, didn't have at least 3 bedrooms.... and the biggie closet space! Everyone knows that the closet devin and I share is 3/4 mine and 1/4 his.... sad but true, so I need organization and shoe space in a closet of my own.... and at least a good closet in one of the bedrooms because future baby dannells will have a decent closet full of clothes :) But we went to the bank and just requested loan information and had everything sent off for approval.... basically we were diappointed with the houses and decided house hunting was over. But we had a friend call us and say they are selling their house soon and haven't listed it yet! well we decided to look at it... we definately did not go in with an open mind because we kind of were let down already. {but} we went and looked at it.... thoughts going through our minds as we pull up
~ wow super cute yard.... big yard.....perfect tree for a tire swing :)..... cute porch for a swing {can you say sweet tea on the swin on a fall evening?}..... red door.... entry closet for shoes and coats....big living room....big custom windows....dining room....stainless steel appliance big kitchen..... back patio....utility room++++..... 3 big bedrooms....and get this 3 BIG closets!!!! yay!!! needless to say we were both {how should I put it? SMITTEN?!} oh my goodness we want it its our we can't live anywhere else.... so then we waited and waited for our loan approval, yay we got approved. So the process has just began we still need to go through the paperwork, appraisal, loan aggreement. (whoa who knew this much went into it) :) and thank god for my sister in law who everyday texts me and is so encouraging through this whole process and encouraging us that theres a reason we fell in love with this house and just reassuring me that we are not making a mistake. which I desperately needed. I can just see us raising our kids here in this beautiful perfect house with this cute neighborhood.... nothing has ever made me smile so much {besides my handsome fiance} So as of right now we are just waiting!!! Keep your fingers crossed and say a small prayer for us that we end up with our dream home!! And if it does happen we will have a very empty home for a while but great things come with time and hopefully great gifts come with our wedding haha!!! Hopefully I'll have more news the end of this week!!!!!
xoxox..... (possible) future homeowner, des

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