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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Destiny Blake, Rn

Wow, I haven't blogged  in a long time!! I promise this will be at least a weekly occurance in my life from here on out!!! Thats right I am now an RN!! (the reason for the small break) Let me take you back a few weeks ago! Graduation had come and go, I had a job waiting for me, I was a nervous wreck. I still hadn't recieved my ATT (authorization to test) what the heck is going on I thought?! Finally after waiting a month I got ahold of someone who spoke english and come to find out... terrific I was missing fingerprints. Long story short I sent all my missing paperwork off and received my att by the end of the week. I scheduled my boards on fathers day in evansville, I can't even explain how nervous I was. Weird because I actually have so much confidence in my nursing education. I couldn't focus on anything else for the 2 weeks before boards....I mean this is my life, pass or fail, I will have to change my life for the next few months. I could have lost my job if I failed. So everyday for about 6 hours a day I sat. and I studied. ridiculously studied. I have never wanted anything so bad in my life. That morning I woke up and I can't even pinpoint one thought that was going through my head because I had a million!!! a feeling I have never in my life felt. I guess I have just never wanted anything SO bad in my life!! is this how I will feel my wedding day?! if so I need a xanax!! Anyway A.D.D..... but as I was taking the test I KNEW my computer just had to shut off at the minimum amount of questions (thats a good thing in nursing world.... less questions you take means the better your doing) and it did! But still had to wait 48 hours for my results.... I really had not been so sure about anything in my life but I knew I passed that test, I worked so hard, theres noway I CANT pass!! cocky much? lol no but really I worked too hard the past few years not to pass. And I did.... I can now put RN behind my name... was it worth it? stay tuned I start full time next week on surgical care.........ready or not I'm a grownup

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