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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

where did this summer go?!

So I failed with all my plans this summer lol. I feel like I accomplished a lot with wedding stuff, organizing bills, a good start on the house, and my bsn plan laid out..... but I didn't seem to find much time for myself, oh well guess thats how it goes. Since the last time I blogged I feel a lot more comfortable on my job, like I can actually call a doctor and not start sweating at the thought haha, and I love all the girls I work with, I guess you have to because basically working with them 5 days a week 2:45pm til sometimes 1 in the morning they are the ones you eat dinner with, talk, and vent to haha. But yes I love my job as a nurse, my day flies by and I love learning new things...... I'm still working 2 jobs, this will probably continue until after Christmas time, which I don't mind. Keeping busy providing for ourselves :) 39 days until we say "I do"whoa..... That's a whole other blog lol.
With the wedding coming up I've been thinking a lot about all the UNreassuring relationships that we are surrounded with. I'm going into this knowing that we will be with eachother forever.... but so has everyone else around us, but I wish we had a little more support and encouraging words on marriage instead of the usual mistake quotas. Its a little depressing and I haven't had many people to talk to about it because I'm ussually not the debbie downer who wants to talk about this stuff on a fun lunch date with a friend lol. But I guess its something I need to realize that we are in charge of our marriage and how it turns out....noone but us.  Ok i'm heading to work early I have some IV therapy training wow sounds fun right haha. I will try to blog more often.... and I'm sure the next blog will be about my first class into my bachelors program.... {the wonderful world of} pathophysiology.... wonderful :)

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