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Monday, February 6, 2012

quick monday

I haven't blogged in a few days BUT I do have good reason why. I've been on a run of 12s again (go figure) and saturday I was off and I had a date with Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean. Concert was amazing of course, but my favorite part was when the 2 of them go together on stage and sung some of the older country songs that inspired them such as garth brooks, it was really neat hearing them talk about their dream and see where they are now.... oh ya the other highlight was watching luke bryan shaking it for me!! I had so much fun with my girls I promise I will post pictures later, the night ended in a few too many beers and too many people in flannel but a great time nonetheless!! And tomorrow I'm going with my momma to the michael jackson immmortal world tour....ya I hope your as stoked as I am..... don't worry lots of pictures will be following!!! I'm linking up soon with a vlog, I was going to today but I don't feel like putting makeup on and doing my hurr. And if I didn't do those 2 very important thing I might loose a few follower :) haha. have a great monday my friend.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Valentines Challenge

I'm linking up with Amber at Brunch with Amber for her Valentines Challenge. I missed the first one which was "best date" but today is "worst date" my story is a little combined!!!

My worst date turned into the best one.... stay with me. Devin (the hubby) picked me up after my finals of my LPN year. We were headed to a beautiful camping spot called Garden of the gods. Its beautiful, hiking through cliffs, boating, just relaxing in the newly spring weather. He had everything packed and ready to go and picked me up and we were on our way. We were super excited just to get away even if it was just for a weekend.
    We finally (kind of) make it to where we were suppose to be, but we couldn't find camping spots anywhere. We drove and drove around the countryside for house but we could not find anyplaces that had camping sites.... wft?! It started raining,..... no it didn't start raining. It was pouring, thundering, lightening, and wind blowing like crazy, we could barely see the road. After driving for house we finally just settled for a place we found, backed the truck in and decided we would wait until the storm passed to set up camp...... hour 1 went by and we decided we just had to set up the tent or sleep in the truck (I at this point was ready to go home) i'm all for camping when the weather is perfect...... not this. So we pull the little aluminum boat out of the back of the truck, set up the tent....impossible mission in the rain where you can't even see your hand in from of your face. And its the kind of tent you set up on back of the Tundra so that made it 100x more difficult. I was sooo over this trip, but we kept at it. Finally we get inside our tent (we were soaking wet) all we brough was food basically to grill out (which obviously we couldn't do) and we had peanut butter and bread (breakfast of champs) so for dinner we had..... peanut butter sandwiches, bbq chips, and pepsi....yum. We get changed and try to keep warm and dry (its dark at this time) so now we find our new lantern we bought...... I thought this was the best invenstment we have ever made, for real it takes no batteries but instead you crank the bottom of it and it lights and has a radio!! yay!!! I crank for a couple minutes hang it up with a good radio station.... and it operates for approximately 15 seconds! your kidding me!! Crank it longer.... 30 seconds...... so we decide this isn't going to work so we crank the lantern for eachother so we can brush our teeth and get ready for bed with a little bit of light..... end of night 1. freezing, wet, lightless, and radioless. Oh and we thought we would be find sharing a twin size blow up mattress..... a twin size air mattress is even smaller than a twin size bed.... bad idea.
      The next morning we wake up and its beautiful out..... except a raccoon bit through our food tub and ate our hot dogs...... seriously what else could go wrong? We decide to head out and go hiking, get all ready, pack lunch and water, head out. We get into the woods about 10 minutes and realize that its not getting any drier, we are up to our ankles in mud and covered in ticks....ugh I hate ticks!!! We book it out of the woods and spend the next 2 hours picking ticks off eachother (and no its not as sexual as the song makes it seem) what is sexual about pulling bloodsuckers off your partners skin, making sure you have the head, and smashing it? ehhhh nothing.  We go back to the campside and I procede to look for a bathroom and a shower.... oh of course go dosen't exist at this campsite. So devin got a good laugh of me washing my hair with our "neighbors" cold water hose. That afternoon we seriously just headed 2 hours into the closest town to go eat food...... This was the worst trip ever... and I get high expectations and had this perfect camping trip pictured in my mind. I begged Devin umpteen times to just take me home..... that didn't happen.
The beautiful next day that we woke up to

This was of course when I still thought hiking was a good idea. all smiles

The only place we could stand for a couple minutes without ticks falling all over us on the hike.... it really is beautiful isn't it?

happy happy me after I was able to shower in my own house :)
      Now the trip wasn't all that bad because the last night of our trip we went out to watch the sunset on the dock (over the water we couldn't swim in because it was disgusting) really there was a sign that said not to swim in the water..... but Devin did propose that night on the dock, a perfect ending to the worst date ever <3 But hey we'll never forget our engagement weekend

Monday, January 30, 2012

Makeover monday!!

Foundation! really theres a million to choose from and I think I've tried at least half of them!!
Link up with us at Katey Lately! and lets talk about foundation.

I really switch different foundations all the time because it seems like after a few months my face doesn't like the one i'm using anymore. weird? ya i know. but here is what I'm using currently...

This primer is the most expensive makeup I use. And I actually just bought this on some weird spurt. I love it, my makeup still stays like I put in on 12 hours prior to my workshift, minus my smeared eyeliner lol. But i recommend this primer, apparently its suppose to prevent wrinkles and stuff too... hey I know i'm only 23 but soon enought my face will be thanking me.

I top off my face with a dusting of this, almost makes it look flawless!!
If you haven't used this product.... go buy it now. This goes on so smooth and covers pretty well ALL your imperfections and flaws. (I have scars from acne when I was younger and still have spurt of random breakouts depending on stress level) and this goes on perfect!! I have about 4 different shades of this..... ya know, when your tanning and almost could pass as Indian heritage and in the winter when you say your never going to tan again and your as white as a ghost (or robert pattinson), then of course you start tanning again in the spring. At least thats how my tanning schedule works.

PS. I'm going to watch Luke Bryan, jason aldean, and lauren alaina saturday!!! So the good makeup skills will be used..... I'm sure Luke will appreciate it :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Love Letters.

Linkup here friday letters!! It is another dreary Friday but I'm off all weekend so its a beautiful day!!

Dear Hubby: I am making you homemade chicken cordon bleu tonight! I love surprising you and being the best wifey ever :) because of course you are amazing and I can't imagine my life without you by my side. Oh your pretty cute too.

Dear Nieces (iyla and macey): I can't believe how big you both are getting! makes me want to cry my baby girls are growing so fast and are so darn smart. aunt d love you more than anything in the world and I think you both know this :) You light up my day when I get to see you smile or when I just get a quick hug

Dear cop: I understand why you pulled me over this morning. but I wouldn't have been swerving if you weren't riding my butt with your brights on... my eyes are sensitive.

Dear mommy and daddy: I understand you guys don't love eachother anymore and I am grateful you gave it a good 23 year shot and made it work until your babies were grown. I love you both very very much and hope you both can feel love and give love again as you have before.

Dear brother and sister: I never imagined we would be as close as we are today. I love you guys so much and am so proud of who you have become... I'ld like to think part of it was due to big sister :)

Linkup and share your love letters :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What I'm loving Wedsday!

Happy Wendsday!! link up with us this kind of love
Heres what I'm loving today!
I work 2 more 12s then I'm off for four days (of course monday is a night class but I'm still off work)
I'm loving that my trim is finally complete in our new house, it took a while but it was worth the wait

I'm loving that both dogs have worn themselves out and they are passed out for the day *oh the little things that excite me*
Vacation to florida is is 4 months= i'm loving i need to go shopping!!

And of course my recent findings on pinterest!!

Already have started this project by collecting some of my great grandmas recipes.
I want a miniture pig.... for real....
This will go in my dining room thank you pinterest.
swoon swoon
What I'm currently reading.. its heartbreaking.


Hope all you ladies are having a fabulous Wendsday!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I'm super excited to share the Liebster Award!! I was awarded by Vibrantly Victoria, she stumbled to my blog and loved it! Go check hers out!! She is a texan gal who blogs about fun everyday life and her weight loss journey as well (which is inspiring) Heres how this award goes....
Liebster in German means dearest, beloved, or favorite, and it is for bloggers with under 200 followers.

The rules are: 

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
3. Copy & paste the blog award on your blog.
4. Reveal your 5 blog picks.
5. Let them know you chose them by leaving a comment on their blog
I honestly don't have 5 blogs I'm following with under 200 I don't think!! So I'm just awarding some of my fave reads. I tune in at least twice a week to catch up on blogs and end up getting some good ideas, cute new styles, an eye opening spiritual reading, and almost always a good laugh.
Megan from Skyhigh heels & sweatpants - seriously go check this glitzy country girl as shes living every girls dream working in an amazing bridal shop, enduring a long distance relationship, and if you have a dog you consider your child you will love her "little boy"
Adventure of newlyweds.- I just recently started following her and they live such a fun and exciting life!! Her husband is a traveling PT and she shares their new adventures not only as newlyweds, but as newlywends in new aspects of the country. They are both very spiritually driven and it is nice to read how God plays a big role in their relationship!!
Thats all I'm awarding right now because I've ran out of time and have to head to work!! Spread the love

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday makeover linkup

Today I'm linking up with Katie from Katie Lately for Makeover Monday! This is my first linkup so bear with me I'm learning. The topic is hair.... by far my fave!! I have super super thing hair... no its not falling out I have a full head of thin hair (thanks mom and gma) so I have a wide variety of awesome products I use.
I am a ok with my thin hair it takes no time at all to have smooth flat hair or crazy curly hair!! But I do spend quite a big on hairspray. thank god for hairspray. I use Tresemme to finish any style. it. it. amazing. still leave it bouncy and pretty. now if I'm going out for the night and need the hair to stay (updo) I use Paul Mitchel extra body (its like a freeze spray) and believe me... you can plan on wearing this hairstyle for a few days... (please shower in these 3 days)
I carry a travel size in my purse as well
I truly believe god made this for me
So having thin hair isn't all bad I can always do crazy things and have been asked a few times if I'm a hairstylist..... I take that as a compliment.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

tonight didn't turn out as expected.

So... surely I'm not the only one who does this? I get all excited because I'm off today, dishes done, laundry... caught up, house clean, dinner made. yay me for being "housewife" today. I made yummy cube steak in the crockpot today with a recipe I found on pinterest. Steak and sweet honey carrots :) can I hear a yummm! So I'm excited in my mind.... hubby will come home, give me a huge hug, compliment me on how clean the house is and how yummy dinner smells, we will eat, clean up, cuddle and watch american idol.... REALITY CHECK! hubs comes home. goes to the bathroom for 45 minutes, 2 of his friends show up, we eat, and they watch hockey while I clean up and decide to update my poor lonely blog..... seriously I need to stop getting my hopes up on perfect nights. grrr. but whatever, as soon as I can kick these boys out (after the game) then our time for american idol and cuddling will come.
Another thought on my mind.... I'm sitting on the loveseat that never gets used so its still firm and hard while the couch is getting the nice and worn in feeling to it...... we need to start sitting on the loveseat more. The reason for the "not worn in" feel is because from the loveseat you can't see the TV. thats right...  if we can't see the tv from it we ain't sittin on it haha.... sad but true don't judge.
So how about american idol...? honestly this is the first time I've had time to get into it so this is my american idol 1. I'm super excited and i'm a huge stephen tyler fan. (& hes hott) but thats me, I do love them long haired boys.... noones better looking that my long haired drummer tho ;) Anywho back to american idol.... I cannot imagine going on that show unless I looked like beyonce and sung like adelle.... for real noway. ehh I'ld take looking like adelle to shes gorgeous but thats besides the point. noway would i stand in line for 6 hours to sing and be ridiculed by (gorgeous) stephen tyler. I too would cry. But I'm excited to have something that both Devin and I can get into......
Until next time
xoxox des

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Welcome 2012

Wow we are 3/4 of the way through January! I cannot believe this is the year of the world ending... haha.... but really. I will do a "rewind" of my amazing year of 2011. My resolution this year? not losing weight anymore (that is a bad thought to start the year on) instead i will be healthier in my food decisions and workout routine. I will be the best wife, sister, daughter, friend I can be. I will spend more time embracing my creative side... because that is what keeps my head above water sometimes and keeps a smile on my face. I will save, save, save because I'm in need of a fireplace and a fenced in backyard! well not in NEED but in very much want! This year I will have a new niece or nephew, will experience my first anniversary as a married couple, go to florida for the first time, and have the freedom of having random vacations whenever we please. I plan on embracing this year as husband and wife with just our togetherness because who knows when babies will be coming :)   
    So on this night, after having family over for fried chicken, dancing crazy with my niece (which I believe was caught on tape) and having good company of my mom and siblings.... I am now relaxing and recapping my 2011.

January: Started my last semester of nursing school... scared to death and doing clinicals in Evansville. Went ice skating for the first time. Not to exciting just lots of studying... and wedding planning.

Feb: My 22nd birthday... really how fast did 21 fly by? Had a great time out with friends. Threw my sister's baby shower (and did a mighty find job if I say so myself) Met and said goodbye to baby Chance shed many tears and had many conversations with god.  Had a huge ice storm and was stuck in the house for a few days (i was a ok with that)  And I made the first of many wedding centerpieces. Devin was accepted onto the fire department.... so begins his obsession :) which I'm ok with.

March: My niece Macey is 3.... sad day for me . omg. shes 3. my baby. Devin's parents introduced us to Blue crocodiles and Niemurg's...mmmm for real. And I interviewed at St. Anthony's hospital in Effingham for 2 RN positions... starting to get real.

April: The most perfect baby was born and named Iyla :) My sister (after many hours of labor) had to have a C-section. with this experience Alisha and I actually became friends and she seeked my advice for numerous things at this time :) some girls from school and I held a bone marrow drive because a friend of ours was diagnosed with Leukemia... it was a success! Had my last conference of nursing school. One of my best friends bachelorette party in St. Louis.... we brought fun to the streets I'm pretty sure (or I was too drunk to remember) don't judge me. I went to a sugarland concert and met little bigtown (I may or may not have been a crazy obsessed fan and overpaid for a record to have signed by them) We went to our annual Blues Game with Josh, Stevi, Kaci, and Rory. I was offered an RN position on surgical care at St. Anthony's.... time to put big girl panties on!!! I accepted! now to survive the next month.

May: Grandma came home for my graudation from nursing school! biggest accomplishment of my life!! Took alisha and mom out to mexican for Alisha's first mothers day (got mom drunk off margaritas=success) Went and saw Becca and Abra at their senior prom. Spent some much needed time with Devin and our family from the time lost the past 2 years of nursing school..... and I relaxed (alot)

June: Watched motley crue for the third time... it gets better and more kick ass every year. I started training at St. Anthony's (it will be a good 6 months before I start to feel comfortable as a nurse) Went hiking and hung out with Kyle and Erica and Rend Lake and picked them up after a nonsuccessful 50 mile bike ride (good laughs)

July: Pretty noneventful. house hunting, house buying failed. spirits down but oh well everything happens for a reason. Enjoyed summer days in the pool with my mom. Went to a few cardinals games. Celebrated Curtis' 21st birthday at the lake. Lots of landscaping (stress reliever)

August: Wedding. Wedding. Wedding.

September: Wedding, Family, Wedding, Stress. Tears, Love. Bridal shower. Much needed roadtrip with Devin. Bachelorette Party at the winery, back to Erica's, had a fun time getting ready and prepped and then hit the bar to watch Hairbanger's (80s cover band so of course my fave!) Lots of family flying in from everywhere.... stress. and still in complete disbelief we are getting married!!!

October: Wedding time!!! wife mode!!! don't want to leave the house mode!!! found a new job... quit my old one. day 1 on new job realized I made a mistake. back to "old" job. I still laugh at myself. Went to cards game 5 of the NCLS!! CARDS WIN!!! October was a blurr.... a wonderful blurr. We find a house, and absolutely perfect house, we offer, start having doubts, offer accepted, waiting game......

November: Moved into our house!! It is absolutely perfect!! couldn't be any happier.... begin embracing my creative side again.... decorating!!! November was filled with lots of painting and spending lots of money.... welcome to being a home owner I suppose :) I discover that I actually enjoy cooking..... and working.... and being married.

December: Finish first semester of my bachelor's in nursing (am I really doing this) enjoyed our first Christmas in our new home and made a fantastic dinner for our family at our house.

It still seems surreal that it is 2012. I hope this year is just as amazing as 2011.