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Thursday, January 19, 2012

tonight didn't turn out as expected.

So... surely I'm not the only one who does this? I get all excited because I'm off today, dishes done, laundry... caught up, house clean, dinner made. yay me for being "housewife" today. I made yummy cube steak in the crockpot today with a recipe I found on pinterest. Steak and sweet honey carrots :) can I hear a yummm! So I'm excited in my mind.... hubby will come home, give me a huge hug, compliment me on how clean the house is and how yummy dinner smells, we will eat, clean up, cuddle and watch american idol.... REALITY CHECK! hubs comes home. goes to the bathroom for 45 minutes, 2 of his friends show up, we eat, and they watch hockey while I clean up and decide to update my poor lonely blog..... seriously I need to stop getting my hopes up on perfect nights. grrr. but whatever, as soon as I can kick these boys out (after the game) then our time for american idol and cuddling will come.
Another thought on my mind.... I'm sitting on the loveseat that never gets used so its still firm and hard while the couch is getting the nice and worn in feeling to it...... we need to start sitting on the loveseat more. The reason for the "not worn in" feel is because from the loveseat you can't see the TV. thats right...  if we can't see the tv from it we ain't sittin on it haha.... sad but true don't judge.
So how about american idol...? honestly this is the first time I've had time to get into it so this is my american idol 1. I'm super excited and i'm a huge stephen tyler fan. (& hes hott) but thats me, I do love them long haired boys.... noones better looking that my long haired drummer tho ;) Anywho back to american idol.... I cannot imagine going on that show unless I looked like beyonce and sung like adelle.... for real noway. ehh I'ld take looking like adelle to shes gorgeous but thats besides the point. noway would i stand in line for 6 hours to sing and be ridiculed by (gorgeous) stephen tyler. I too would cry. But I'm excited to have something that both Devin and I can get into......
Until next time
xoxox des

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