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Monday, December 19, 2011

motivation time.

I am entirely addicted to pinterest and a friend of mine just recently got of course I am searching pinterest for wedding ideas for this beautiful sophisticated yet country chic wedding... ya i'm just as excited as the bride to be!!! We had a wonderful lunch talking about planning and ideas, and I (of course) shed some tears. I get teary eyed even thinking about my wedding day and knowing she will soon be going through that exact same moment!!! I'm beyond thrilled for her and derek, both super sweet people who will have a beautiful life together. But my point being is I was playing on pinterest and found a neat little motivation pin and ugh I could die when I saw it! Its brilliant!!! let me post a few of my faves....
1. Marry the right person, this will decide 90% of your happiness.
2. Work at something you enjoy and it worthy of your talent and time.
3. Give people more than they expect! I love this I am a ridic overachiever and this fit me perfect!!!
4. Have a grateful heart.  this is something my hubby and I are working on... we need to sit back and see what all we are thankful for
5. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know....... ahhhh i love this!!! I'm so enthusiastic about everything... some find it annoying I find it wonderful!
6. Don't do anything that wouldnt make your momma proud :)
7. Be bold. Be courageous. Be loyal.
                       I just loved this little diddy. I can't belive Christmas is sunday! wowee... I still need to buy for my brother, dad, and sisters boyfriend....geeesh I hate shopping for boys. like for real?!? what do you get them? Devin is easy to buy for, sports stuff, tools, or clothes that I like....haha. But wish me luck on this one, I hope to finish in the next couple days.... ya know bc christmas is in 6 days?
            Btw I'm not going to lie, this is my lazy day and I'm watching drake and josh. who doesn't like nick? :) In my defense it is drake and josh christmas special lol. enjoy your beautiful rainy cold monday.... I will too enjoy mine.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The good wife.

I have been working 12s here lately and it is amazing! Serisouly its not much fun working half the day for 3 days but that means i get four days off!!! And while Devin is at work I have been loving being able to cook, clean, shop, paint my nails... haha for real how nice is it to just know you have all day to do things you want!? And I've been loving being able to cook a yummy dinner in my new beautiful kitchen for the hubby :) i'm sure a few years from now I will look back and be like omg what was I thinking.... but for now I love it!!! Tonight I'm making poor man's steak mmmm.... and oh so easy!!! hamburger patties, veggies, throw in pan and cook. Hooray for me being able to drink a couple glasses of wine while waiting for dinner to cook!
      Another wonderful thing is that Fall semester is over!! I finished with 1 point under and A.... go figure, but its over!!! I still really need to decide what i want to do when I grow up.... I basically want to be a mom, wife, and crafter..... but this thing called bills has me also working as a nurse lol. Which I also love but it takes a lot of time away from my family, and I know when we have kids I will hhaaaatteee it :(  Speaking of babies!!!!!..... some friends of ours came over with their cutie pattotie 1 1/2 year old who devin and i both adore!!! she opened her christmas gift from us and we just play and love on her everytime we see her...... seeing Devin playing with a baby :D swoon! And she had on this super cute pink fleece nike sweater....ahhh I don't know if I want it for my kids one day or to stretch out for myself :) hehe.
         Thus far Christmas tree is up, lights are up outside, gifts are wrapped and christmas is around the corner. I'm so excited to give Devin his gifts this year..... which I will blog about someother time.
          Right now I am addicted and loving pinterest. wow is all I can say, I need to learn to link up and all that computer jargin! until next time
stay classy, des
Happy Holidays from The Dannells!

The last day of classes for fall

My best friend and I baking Christmas cookies!

Devin's fire department christmas party.... fun had by all.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Holidays!!

Our first thanksgiving as Mr and Mrs :)

My brother is always doing stupid thigs with me :)

Our first tree in our new home and my goofy niece

I can't believe Thanksgiving has come and gone already!! I hope everyone's was as fantastic as mine, anytime my family is all together I feel so blessed!!! Sooo.... now its onto Christmas!!! Christmas use to not be my favorite holiday but I'm pretty sure now that I'm married and have a little family of my own it is now one of my top faves! I have my own beautiful house to decorate...( which btw I wish I had an unlimited fund saved up for this matter) But thus far my christmas decor is minimal...but after the holidays when things are on sale ITS ON!!  Today some friends and I went on a Christmas tour which goes around to beautiful houses in clay county and we go through and look at all their christmas decorations......guh it was amazing!! We also made a pitstop and bought some mighty fine aprons to wear when we cook christmas cookies this friday :) pictures to come!!!
On a side note the hubby (hehe still so weird saying) had his wisdom teeth removed last friday :(  My poor baby... but I can't pass up an opportunity to spoil my husband to pieces :D So of course I've been making homemade soup and lots of mashed potatoes.... I say I've rather enjoyed us lounging in pjs all day watching christmas movies and eating pureed food :) haha my guilty pleasure lol.
Until next time....which hopefully is soon