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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Valentines Challenge

I'm linking up with Amber at Brunch with Amber for her Valentines Challenge. I missed the first one which was "best date" but today is "worst date" my story is a little combined!!!

My worst date turned into the best one.... stay with me. Devin (the hubby) picked me up after my finals of my LPN year. We were headed to a beautiful camping spot called Garden of the gods. Its beautiful, hiking through cliffs, boating, just relaxing in the newly spring weather. He had everything packed and ready to go and picked me up and we were on our way. We were super excited just to get away even if it was just for a weekend.
    We finally (kind of) make it to where we were suppose to be, but we couldn't find camping spots anywhere. We drove and drove around the countryside for house but we could not find anyplaces that had camping sites.... wft?! It started raining,..... no it didn't start raining. It was pouring, thundering, lightening, and wind blowing like crazy, we could barely see the road. After driving for house we finally just settled for a place we found, backed the truck in and decided we would wait until the storm passed to set up camp...... hour 1 went by and we decided we just had to set up the tent or sleep in the truck (I at this point was ready to go home) i'm all for camping when the weather is perfect...... not this. So we pull the little aluminum boat out of the back of the truck, set up the tent....impossible mission in the rain where you can't even see your hand in from of your face. And its the kind of tent you set up on back of the Tundra so that made it 100x more difficult. I was sooo over this trip, but we kept at it. Finally we get inside our tent (we were soaking wet) all we brough was food basically to grill out (which obviously we couldn't do) and we had peanut butter and bread (breakfast of champs) so for dinner we had..... peanut butter sandwiches, bbq chips, and pepsi....yum. We get changed and try to keep warm and dry (its dark at this time) so now we find our new lantern we bought...... I thought this was the best invenstment we have ever made, for real it takes no batteries but instead you crank the bottom of it and it lights and has a radio!! yay!!! I crank for a couple minutes hang it up with a good radio station.... and it operates for approximately 15 seconds! your kidding me!! Crank it longer.... 30 seconds...... so we decide this isn't going to work so we crank the lantern for eachother so we can brush our teeth and get ready for bed with a little bit of light..... end of night 1. freezing, wet, lightless, and radioless. Oh and we thought we would be find sharing a twin size blow up mattress..... a twin size air mattress is even smaller than a twin size bed.... bad idea.
      The next morning we wake up and its beautiful out..... except a raccoon bit through our food tub and ate our hot dogs...... seriously what else could go wrong? We decide to head out and go hiking, get all ready, pack lunch and water, head out. We get into the woods about 10 minutes and realize that its not getting any drier, we are up to our ankles in mud and covered in ticks....ugh I hate ticks!!! We book it out of the woods and spend the next 2 hours picking ticks off eachother (and no its not as sexual as the song makes it seem) what is sexual about pulling bloodsuckers off your partners skin, making sure you have the head, and smashing it? ehhhh nothing.  We go back to the campside and I procede to look for a bathroom and a shower.... oh of course go dosen't exist at this campsite. So devin got a good laugh of me washing my hair with our "neighbors" cold water hose. That afternoon we seriously just headed 2 hours into the closest town to go eat food...... This was the worst trip ever... and I get high expectations and had this perfect camping trip pictured in my mind. I begged Devin umpteen times to just take me home..... that didn't happen.
The beautiful next day that we woke up to

This was of course when I still thought hiking was a good idea. all smiles

The only place we could stand for a couple minutes without ticks falling all over us on the hike.... it really is beautiful isn't it?

happy happy me after I was able to shower in my own house :)
      Now the trip wasn't all that bad because the last night of our trip we went out to watch the sunset on the dock (over the water we couldn't swim in because it was disgusting) really there was a sign that said not to swim in the water..... but Devin did propose that night on the dock, a perfect ending to the worst date ever <3 But hey we'll never forget our engagement weekend


  1. this story had me rolling... I totally know the feeling of a good plan going bad lol. Its too cute though and you looked super happy at the end!!

  2. Oh my! Priceless!! I would've found my own way home after all the horribleness! So happy it ended perfect though!
