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Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Love Letters.

Linkup here friday letters!! It is another dreary Friday but I'm off all weekend so its a beautiful day!!

Dear Hubby: I am making you homemade chicken cordon bleu tonight! I love surprising you and being the best wifey ever :) because of course you are amazing and I can't imagine my life without you by my side. Oh your pretty cute too.

Dear Nieces (iyla and macey): I can't believe how big you both are getting! makes me want to cry my baby girls are growing so fast and are so darn smart. aunt d love you more than anything in the world and I think you both know this :) You light up my day when I get to see you smile or when I just get a quick hug

Dear cop: I understand why you pulled me over this morning. but I wouldn't have been swerving if you weren't riding my butt with your brights on... my eyes are sensitive.

Dear mommy and daddy: I understand you guys don't love eachother anymore and I am grateful you gave it a good 23 year shot and made it work until your babies were grown. I love you both very very much and hope you both can feel love and give love again as you have before.

Dear brother and sister: I never imagined we would be as close as we are today. I love you guys so much and am so proud of who you have become... I'ld like to think part of it was due to big sister :)

Linkup and share your love letters :)

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