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Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday makeover linkup

Today I'm linking up with Katie from Katie Lately for Makeover Monday! This is my first linkup so bear with me I'm learning. The topic is hair.... by far my fave!! I have super super thing hair... no its not falling out I have a full head of thin hair (thanks mom and gma) so I have a wide variety of awesome products I use.
I am a ok with my thin hair it takes no time at all to have smooth flat hair or crazy curly hair!! But I do spend quite a big on hairspray. thank god for hairspray. I use Tresemme to finish any style. it. it. amazing. still leave it bouncy and pretty. now if I'm going out for the night and need the hair to stay (updo) I use Paul Mitchel extra body (its like a freeze spray) and believe me... you can plan on wearing this hairstyle for a few days... (please shower in these 3 days)
I carry a travel size in my purse as well
I truly believe god made this for me
So having thin hair isn't all bad I can always do crazy things and have been asked a few times if I'm a hairstylist..... I take that as a compliment.


  1. i definitely think that comment if you are a hairstylist is a compliment for sure and you should take it!

    1. I know right?! ussually the ones I've seen are always trendy with cute hair... ehh I'll take it! better than someone saying I look like a nurse? haha

  2. That's my fav hairspray ever!! I found your blog via amidwesterntouch and absolutley love it! Check out my makeover monday post here

    <3 Victoria

  3. oh yeah and I nominated you for a blog award today, :)

  4. I use Tresemme hair spray too!

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. cheapest best hairspray every! (i might be obsessed) :)

  5. I'll have to try that powder I've never heard of that before!!

    1. its amazing! just sprinkle a little at the top of your hair.... swing your hair back and forth and whalaa! :)
