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Monday, December 19, 2011

motivation time.

I am entirely addicted to pinterest and a friend of mine just recently got of course I am searching pinterest for wedding ideas for this beautiful sophisticated yet country chic wedding... ya i'm just as excited as the bride to be!!! We had a wonderful lunch talking about planning and ideas, and I (of course) shed some tears. I get teary eyed even thinking about my wedding day and knowing she will soon be going through that exact same moment!!! I'm beyond thrilled for her and derek, both super sweet people who will have a beautiful life together. But my point being is I was playing on pinterest and found a neat little motivation pin and ugh I could die when I saw it! Its brilliant!!! let me post a few of my faves....
1. Marry the right person, this will decide 90% of your happiness.
2. Work at something you enjoy and it worthy of your talent and time.
3. Give people more than they expect! I love this I am a ridic overachiever and this fit me perfect!!!
4. Have a grateful heart.  this is something my hubby and I are working on... we need to sit back and see what all we are thankful for
5. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know....... ahhhh i love this!!! I'm so enthusiastic about everything... some find it annoying I find it wonderful!
6. Don't do anything that wouldnt make your momma proud :)
7. Be bold. Be courageous. Be loyal.
                       I just loved this little diddy. I can't belive Christmas is sunday! wowee... I still need to buy for my brother, dad, and sisters boyfriend....geeesh I hate shopping for boys. like for real?!? what do you get them? Devin is easy to buy for, sports stuff, tools, or clothes that I like....haha. But wish me luck on this one, I hope to finish in the next couple days.... ya know bc christmas is in 6 days?
            Btw I'm not going to lie, this is my lazy day and I'm watching drake and josh. who doesn't like nick? :) In my defense it is drake and josh christmas special lol. enjoy your beautiful rainy cold monday.... I will too enjoy mine.

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