Wow we are 3/4 of the way through January! I cannot believe this is the year of the world ending... haha.... but really. I will do a "rewind" of my amazing year of 2011. My resolution this year? not losing weight anymore (that is a bad thought to start the year on) instead i will be healthier in my food decisions and workout routine. I will be the best wife, sister, daughter, friend I can be. I will spend more time embracing my creative side... because that is what keeps my head above water sometimes and keeps a smile on my face. I will save, save, save because I'm in need of a fireplace and a fenced in backyard! well not in NEED but in very much want! This year I will have a new niece or nephew, will experience my first anniversary as a married couple, go to florida for the first time, and have the freedom of having random vacations whenever we please. I plan on embracing this year as husband and wife with just our togetherness because who knows when babies will be coming :)
So on this night, after having family over for fried chicken, dancing crazy with my niece (which I believe was caught on tape) and having good company of my mom and siblings.... I am now relaxing and recapping my 2011.
January: Started my last semester of nursing school... scared to death and doing clinicals in Evansville. Went ice skating for the first time. Not to exciting just lots of studying... and wedding planning.
Feb: My 22nd birthday... really how fast did 21 fly by? Had a great time out with friends. Threw my sister's baby shower (and did a mighty find job if I say so myself) Met and said goodbye to baby Chance shed many tears and had many conversations with god. Had a huge ice storm and was stuck in the house for a few days (i was a ok with that) And I made the first of many wedding centerpieces. Devin was accepted onto the fire department.... so begins his obsession :) which I'm ok with.
March: My niece Macey is 3.... sad day for me . omg. shes 3. my baby. Devin's parents introduced us to Blue crocodiles and Niemurg's...mmmm for real. And I interviewed at St. Anthony's hospital in Effingham for 2 RN positions... starting to get real.
April: The most perfect baby was born and named Iyla :) My sister (after many hours of labor) had to have a C-section. with this experience Alisha and I actually became friends and she seeked my advice for numerous things at this time :) some girls from school and I held a bone marrow drive because a friend of ours was diagnosed with Leukemia... it was a success! Had my last conference of nursing school. One of my best friends bachelorette party in St. Louis.... we brought fun to the streets I'm pretty sure (or I was too drunk to remember) don't judge me. I went to a sugarland concert and met little bigtown (I may or may not have been a crazy obsessed fan and overpaid for a record to have signed by them) We went to our annual Blues Game with Josh, Stevi, Kaci, and Rory. I was offered an RN position on surgical care at St. Anthony's.... time to put big girl panties on!!! I accepted! now to survive the next month.
May: Grandma came home for my graudation from nursing school! biggest accomplishment of my life!! Took alisha and mom out to mexican for Alisha's first mothers day (got mom drunk off margaritas=success) Went and saw Becca and Abra at their senior prom. Spent some much needed time with Devin and our family from the time lost the past 2 years of nursing school..... and I relaxed (alot)
June: Watched motley crue for the third time... it gets better and more kick ass every year. I started training at St. Anthony's (it will be a good 6 months before I start to feel comfortable as a nurse) Went hiking and hung out with Kyle and Erica and Rend Lake and picked them up after a nonsuccessful 50 mile bike ride (good laughs)
July: Pretty noneventful. house hunting, house buying failed. spirits down but oh well everything happens for a reason. Enjoyed summer days in the pool with my mom. Went to a few cardinals games. Celebrated Curtis' 21st birthday at the lake. Lots of landscaping (stress reliever)
August: Wedding. Wedding. Wedding.
September: Wedding, Family, Wedding, Stress. Tears, Love. Bridal shower. Much needed roadtrip with Devin. Bachelorette Party at the winery, back to Erica's, had a fun time getting ready and prepped and then hit the bar to watch Hairbanger's (80s cover band so of course my fave!) Lots of family flying in from everywhere.... stress. and still in complete disbelief we are getting married!!!
October: Wedding time!!! wife mode!!! don't want to leave the house mode!!! found a new job... quit my old one. day 1 on new job realized I made a mistake. back to "old" job. I still laugh at myself. Went to cards game 5 of the NCLS!! CARDS WIN!!! October was a blurr.... a wonderful blurr. We find a house, and absolutely perfect house, we offer, start having doubts, offer accepted, waiting game......
November: Moved into our house!! It is absolutely perfect!! couldn't be any happier.... begin embracing my creative side again.... decorating!!! November was filled with lots of painting and spending lots of money.... welcome to being a home owner I suppose :) I discover that I actually enjoy cooking..... and working.... and being married.
December: Finish first semester of my bachelor's in nursing (am I really doing this) enjoyed our first Christmas in our new home and made a fantastic dinner for our family at our house.
It still seems surreal that it is 2012. I hope this year is just as amazing as 2011.