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Sunday, October 16, 2011

on taking the name of mrs. dannells

magazine worthy ehh?
My oh so wanted "dip kiss". So the past month has been chaotic to say the least.... but so so beautiful. I married the man of my dreams on october 1st. The ceremony was perfect and planned to the T and completely dev and I, including ceremony ending with smoores and apple cider :) I will blog later about what particulars I remember from the day that we don't want to forget, but for now I'm just doing a little update on how wonderful it feels to be married. I always thought "nah nothing will feel different we have been together for nearly 5 years" was I wrong. It feels so so different, what I do I do for us, not a moment goes by that I don't think of Devin and what any decision I make will impact us. We are not devin and destiny anymore... we are a team, and a very supportive team at that. Nothing made that anymore apparent than with the recent decision we made. I currently work at a hospital about 45 minutes from home.... its a long drive and a scary road. I feel like I don't have time for us working 5 nights a week and class one night a week. I applied and interviewed at a local hospital in which I will have a 5 minute drive to work and have 4 days off a week.... tempting. But devin was my biggest cheerleader, for a lot of people this seems like a ridiculous decision, but for us it seems right. I can spend more time on finishing school in hopes of starting my masters by 2015, I will be closer to home for when we do decide to start a family. It meant a lot to me that devin just held me and said that we will make it work....I think thats all I needed to hear. So this will be mylast week at St. Anthonys.... and if I eventually regreat it, I suppose it will be a bigger incentive to continue with school. I'm looking forward to what may come in the next year, noone gets anywhere without taking chances. And I know devin will be beside me the whole way and that makes me feel like I can face anything.
So so excited about turning a new page.
Destiny Dannells